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Molly Sims

Molly Sims

Birthday: 25 May 1973, Murray, Kentucky, USA
Height: 177 cm

Molly Sims was born on May 25, 1973 in Murray, Kentucky to James and Dottie Sims. Following her graduation from high school, Molly attended Vanderbilt University with hopes of pursuing a law career. T ...Show More

Molly Sims
I never met an outlet mall I didn't like. I never met an outlet mall I didn't like.
If you would've told me back then that I'd be here five years later, I would've said, "You're crazy! Show more If you would've told me back then that I'd be here five years later, I would've said, "You're crazy!" We have the best dysfunctional family - we're passionate, we laugh, we joke around... [Asked, "You recently celebrated the 100th episode of Las Vegas (2003). Did you think the show would make it this far?".] (People Magazine - 19 November 2007) Hide
I believe in magic, psychics and all that. I've spoken to people who I swear can tell the future. I believe in magic, psychics and all that. I've spoken to people who I swear can tell the future.
as Actor (73)
Molly Sims Molly Sims'S roles

Mrs. Feldman
Mrs. Feldman


