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Randy Stuart

Randy Stuart

Birthday: 12 October 1924, Iola, Kansas, USA
Birth Name: Betty Jane Shaubell

The daughter of husband-and-wife vaudevillians, Randy Stuart was born in southeastern Iola, Kansas and traveled throughout the South and Midwest with her itinerant parents before making her own stage ...Show More

Randy Stuart
They [parents] did everything there was to do in show business, and the days were pitifully unprofit Show more They [parents] did everything there was to do in show business, and the days were pitifully unprofitable then. My first recollections were of leaning against an upright piano played by my mother in the old-time silent movie theaters. Once we had a tent show, and the tent was washed away in a flood. My own debut at three was a failure, and embarrassed my mother. Hide
Randy Stuart's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (57)